Sunday, May 10, 2020

Language Is A Common Mistake - 1745 Words

There is a common mistake that individuals make when discussing if someone has learned a language or not. Most people believe that learning a language is about speaking, but it is also about understanding and comprehending language itself as well. For humans, majority talk about when their child first starts to speak as the moment they accredit them with learning the language. In actuality, the learning starts well before that. The research suggests that language is a complex system that starts with language distinguishing at only hours old and progresses to using semantics effectively at about 2 years old. These early years are a sensitive period in the child’s life, where the capacity to learn language is at its all time high. To properly illustrate this process, we must go in chronological order starting from before the child even emerges into the world. I have found that a human’s first concept of language is acquired in the womb, about 10 weeks prior to the child’s birth (McElroy, 2013). A study by the National Institutes of Health and Pacific Lutheran University’s S. Erving Severtson Forest Foundation Undergraduate Research Program proves this theory. The theory is based upon the hypothesis that infant’s, only hours old, are able to distinguish between their native and foreign languages (McElroy, 2013). The thought of language beginning to being learned in the womb is not that outrageous given that at thirty weeks of pregnancy the fetus develops sensory and brainShow MoreRelatedKey Features of AL and CLT Approach1363 Words   |  5 PagesAudio-lingual approach Communicative teaching language approach Approach Nature of language -structural view -Language: a system of structural phonological, grammatical and lexical patterns to express the functional meanings -functional view -Language: a medium for social interaction and communication Nature of language learning Behaviorism – Habit formation via over-learning Learners’ engagement in authentic and meaningful task to promote language learning. (the learning process is influencedRead MoreError Analysis : The Second And Foreign Language Learning1338 Words   |  6 Pagesimportant area of applied linguistics and of the second and foreign language learning. 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