Monday, October 21, 2019

The United States and Soviet Union Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers

The United States and Soviet Union Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers The United States and Soviet Union 3/5/15 To understand why the United States came to the defense of South Korea in 1950 you need some background information. According to the textbook, the United States was afraid that the Soviet Union was going to expand communism to other nations which is why American foreign policy focused on containment of communism at home and abroad. This concerned Europe as well as Asia. The Korean War was the first major battle waged in the name of containment. According to the lecture notes, in 1950 Korea was divided along the 38th parallel: North Korea (backed by the Soviets) and South Korea (backed by the United States). In 1945, the Soviet Union invaded Korea which was originally under Japanese control since 1910. The United States was afraid that the Soviets were trying to seize the entire Korean peninsula from their position in the north. Therefore, the United States moved its troops into South Korea. In the video as well as in the primary source reading, Truman stated that it was right for the government to help South Korea against communist aggressors. The Japanese surrendered to the Soviets in the north and to the Americans in the south. To avoid confusion regarding Koreas future, the United States and the Soviet Union agreed to temporarily dividing Korea into the north and south. In 1946, Kim II Sung had a communist government in the north while Syngman Rhee set up a rival government in the south. Each governments aim was to reunify the country under its own rule. President Truman decided to fight a limited war in Korea. What he means by this is he doesnt want to widen the war to China. As explained in the lecture notes, Truman was unwilling to attack mainland China directly to escalate the war. He feared that such an attack would lead to another world war. This is why he decided to relieve General MacArthur from his duties because he disagreed with this policy. Truman made it known in his speech that the cause of world peace is greater than any individual. In Trumans speech on April 11, 1951, he explains that the communists want to stamp out freedom all over the world and if they succeeded the United States would be the principal victim. Truman argues by fighting a limited war in Korea we have prevented aggression from succeeding and bringing on a general war. He argues that the ability of the whole free world to resist communist aggression has been greatly improved and that the United States has taught the enemy a lesson. Aggression is not cheap nor is it easy. He also argues that a resolute stand in Korea is helping the forces of freedom now fighting in Indochina and other countries in that part of the world. Starting a general war in China would bring about something the United States was trying to prevent. The United States aim is to avoid the spread of the conflict. They wanted to maintain international peace and security. Truman wanted to ensure that the precious lives of his fighting men were not wasted. I think that Truman was correct in his approach. I think by focusing all his energy into accomplishing Americas mission of maintaining international peace and security by any means is more important than anything else. I do not think that invading China would accomplish anything. I think all it would do is lead to more American casualties and further conflict. America was already dealing with the Soviet Union. They didnt need to get involved in another conflict with another nation. They would be going against everything they stand for. I think the American people would not take Truman seriously if he decided to invade China. His speeches never wavered in wanting peace. The Soviet Union would probably want the United States to get involved and why give the enemy what they want? I believe Truman was thinking smart and strategic and not on impulse.

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